
This site keeps track of people missing with their vehicles as a resource for those who have the equipment to help locate them, but may not know of cases in their area. Cold cases have been solved in the past few years due to the use of sonar technology and raised awareness of them.

The main featured map began as a personal project in early 2021. In 2022 the website was created to hold the map and more information.
Charley Project and Namus have been helpful in finding these cases and information on them.

Sonar Information


What is the criteria for cases to be featured here?
Every case featured here involves a person missing with a vehicle, or suspected to be missing with a vehicle.
The reason for the focus on this type of case is based on the increasing amount of cold cases of this type solved via sonar.
For various reasons, cases may not get added until they are 6 months-1 year old, unless requested by a family member.

How can I help?
Spreading awareness is the best way to help!
There is a general printable flyer available on the home page that links to this website through a QR code so it can be posted for any case, as well as flyers made specifically for featured cases. The idea for these is that they can be placed at boat ramps / areas where those with the equipment to help will see them.
Donations are accepted and appreciated on this site but not expected, 100% of the funds will go towards this, most likely site expenses.
If you’d like to help with the site or have ideas on ways it can better serve these cases please reach out!

Do you have future plans for this site?
The site will continue to be maintained with cases added to the map, featured cases each month and updates to solved cases.
There are plans to make the content more easily searchable and to include more information about sonar and more ways to help on this page.

Who is behind this website?
My name is Brianna, I was 22 when I began this site and a college student. I have no personal connection to missing person cases but developed an interest in them due to divers on YouTube finding cars and solving cases. I started looking into how many there were out of curiosity and it grew from there.

How can I contact you?
If you have feedback or information the best way to contact me is here through the form below, by emailing [email protected] or through the Mapthemissing FB page.

With Sunshine State Sonar in Miami, February 2024