This site tracks people missing with their vehicles and seeks to provide comprehensive, up to date, searchable info on each case.
View those missing in your area on the map below.
Every case on this site can possibly be solved if the vehicle can be found.
Click here to view a full screen map
Gray- least info, needs verification
Red- foul play suspected
Yellow star- featured case
Blue stars- previous featured cases
If you see a missing person case in your area that involves a missing vehicle, use the contact form below so they can be added to this database.
Help raise awareness to fishermen, local and online, asking them to keep a look out for submerged vehicles if they have the technology.
(The flyer above is provided to place at boat ramps!)
The easiest way to help is to share these cases to your states missing person pages and groups if they’re not already posted there!
To see those who were previously on this site but have since been found.
A complete list is also available.
Each month one case will be featured in which there will be a concentrated effort and focus on. Please help share!
For more info on the purpose of this site, how it began and the technology involved.